My Mentor's Influence on my Design Journey

According to me mentor is not just someone guiding you achieve your goal.
Its someone whose wisdom illuminates the path ahead and whose passion ignites a fire within.

My mentor's inspiration wasn't just about teaching technical skills or industry knowledge, it was about instilling a mindset – a way of approaching design with curiosity and authenticity. It began with simple lessons, like the importance of understanding user needs and the power of storytelling in crafting compelling narratives.

The most impactful aspect of my mentor's guidance was his unwavering belief in my potential. In moments of self-doubt or creative block, he were there, offering encouragement and perspective, nudging me to push past limitations and explore new possibilities. Their faith in me served as a constant source of motivation, pushing me forward even when the path seemed uncertain.

Moreover, my mentor's own passion for design was contagious. Through his enthusiasm for experimentation and innovation, I learned to embrace the ever-changing nature of the field, to view challenges not as obstacles but as opportunities for growth. Their willingness to share insights and personal experiences gave me invaluable ideas into the nuances of design – insights that continue to shape my approach to this day.

His influence continues to resonate in every design I create, reminding me of the profound impact that mentorship can have on one's journey. And as I forge ahead, guided by his examples, I am filled with gratitude for the invaluable gift of inspiration he has given.